Only One Life

With over half of the U.S. engaged in the world of video gaming, experts have an opportunity to explore the positive and negative impacts of excessive gaming on health outcomes. Researchers found that video games have the potential to negatively impact heart health and trigger arrythmias, depending on the individual. This journal cover illustration is intended to capture the attention of a lay audience through the depiction of a metaphorical “monster” placed within the nostalgic environment of a young player’s room. 


After reading through the articles of interest, I created thumbnails to explore a possible layout for the cover. I wanted to pursue a pixel art style and incorporate common iconography that the public would associate with gaming. 

Rough Sketches (with color)

I created a rough sketch, in color, of two of the preferred thumbnail ideas, and explored possibilities in terms of the layout. 

Asset Creation

After selecting a preferred layout based on my rough sketches, I started creating my assets. ClipStudio Paint was used to create the pixellated monster, hearts, and television screen. These assets were imported into Adobe Illustrator, where the rest of the scene was created. 

For the child’s room, I included common video game characters and icons, to tug on the viewer’s nostalgia. Below are a few more close up shots of these details.