
Organ-ized is a mobile virtual pet app that features preventive care pathways for cancers involving routine screening. For this particular project, we focused on the colorectal cancer (CRC) care pathway. The team members for this project include Grace Herzberg, Nicholas Kilner-Pontone, Monal Chang, and Tonya Burge. 

With cases of CRC in patients under 50 on the rise, we decided to focus on a young adult audience. We intend for this game to be an approachable learning resource for young adults to take control of their health outcomes and daily behaviors. 

Creating the prototype was an exercise in designing interactive learning experiences for a lay audience while utilizing AI tools for high fidelity concept development during a short timeframe. 

Research and Flowchart Design

Our market research revealed that existing materials on colorectal cancer (CRC) could be daunting or wordy. We found that there was no centralized source for young people to learn about health information pertinent to preventable cancers. 

Public health campaigns delivered through apps have been successful in gaining the attention of young adults in the past.  We reviewed a variety of “self-care” apps such as Plant Nanny to evaluate what made the apps successful. 

After deciding to create an app, we created a flowchart in Figma, to determine the app’s content. 

Our Style

We opted for a fun and friendly pixel art style for “Organ-ized”.  While the main characters, icons, and a few specific scenes were created by hand in Adobe Illustrator, we used AI tools to generate backgrounds and food items, to fit our other high fidelity assets.

Our Prototype

We designed a prototype for the “Organ-ized” app in Figma. The general app interface is consistent throughout for ease of navigation. Interactable objects in various scenes, such as the living room, are highlighted with bright white outline so users know they can explain further. A hamburger menu in the upper right corner is always available so that users do not get “stuck” anywhere in the app. 

You may use the interactive on the right to navigate through our prototype!